National Museum of the American Latino - Camila - Week 4

The final week!

I am working 4 days after today to make up for the days I missed for the Hispanic Heritage Foundation event. This final week, I was finalizing the scavenger hunt project, including making a fun design presentation for it that displays what players see when they first click on the scavenger hunt. In the upcoming days, I am finalizing all the project details, including proofreading, formatting the information into a Word document, and submitting it.

At the learning lounge, I had been reading The Undocumented Americans on the slow mornings and I finished it yesterday! It is one of my favorite books now.

For the scavenger hunt project, I collected all the images needed for the app, which included 1 cover image and 1 completion image for each stop. So I have found approximately 19 images. I also worked on the location description. This was particularly fun because I was able to show the personality of the character I created to be the virtual “tour guide”. 

Today (Wednesday, August 2) Francisco and I went to the National Air and Space Museum and the National Museum of the American Indian to look for specific objects for my Adventure Lab scavenger hunt. If you’re ever in D.C., download the Adventure Lab app and do the “Celebrating American Latinos at the Smithsonian!” scavenger hunt. :)


At the NMAI, I saw a Lenca miniture bed that had been a kid's toy once. The Lenca people are native to what is now El Salvador (where I'm from), so it was super cool to spot!

For the rest of my week, I am working on finalizing all the locations and their corresponding components (name, description, questions, etc.), proofreading, and completing the outline on a Word document to share with Emily and Adrian. That will conclude my internship project! I definitely exercised my researching skills and consumer marketing skills.

Reflecting on the Young Ambassadors Program, I had such an amazing experience that provided me not just with an incredibly impressive Washington Week, but with an impressive opportunity as an intern for a National Museum. Being part of the work that building a new museum at the National Mall presents is a very, very, unique experience that I am grateful for.

The intentional selection of YAP participants, the speaker panels, and the discussions that were created provided me valuable insights and practical skills that will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors. The other YAP participants became my friends, and I’m sure I will be seeing them continuously over my academic and professional career. The guest speakers became professionals and mentors who shared their experiences and offered guidance for future career growth. 

Following Washington Week, my month-long internship at the National Museum of the American Latino provided a real-world application of the skills and knowledge acquired during the program. I got to try new things, including making an outline for an online app game. The YAP program was yet another opportunity to continue my lifelong learning. Because of YAP, I feel confident to pursue my goals and try new things with the strengthened skills and confidence that was nurtured over this past month.

A special thank you to Emily, Adrian, Melissa, Natalia, Josh, and Francisco!


  1. I'm going back to DC in two weeks so I'll definitely check the Scavenger Hunt out. So excited!


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